31 October 2016 Visual analysis of the computer simulation for both imaging and non-imaging optical systems
B. K. Barladian, I. S. Potemin, D. D. Zhdanov, A. G. Voloboy, L. S. Shapiro, I. V. Valiev, E. D. Birukov
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Typical results of the optic simulation are images generated on the virtual sensors of various kinds. As a rule, these images represent two-dimensional distribution of the light values in Cartesian coordinates (luminance, illuminance) or in polar coordinates (luminous intensity). Using the virtual sensors allows making the calculation and design of different kinds of illumination devices, providing stray light analysis, synthesizing of photorealistic images of three-dimensional scenes under the complex illumination generated with optical systems, etc.

Based on rich experience in the development and practical using of computer systems of virtual prototyping and photorealistic visualization the authors formulated a number of basic requirements for the visualization and analysis of the results of light simulations represented as two-dimensional distribution of luminance, illuminance and luminous intensity values. The requirements include the tone mapping operators, pseudo color imaging, visualization of the spherical panorama, regression analysis, the analysis of the image sections and regions, analysis of pixel values, the image data export, etc. All those requirements were successfully satisfied in designed software component for visual analysis of the light simulation results. The module "LumiVue" is an integral part of "Lumicept" modeling system and the corresponding plug-in of computer-aided design and support for CATIA product. A number of visual examples of analysis of calculated two-dimensional distribution of luminous intensity, illuminance and luminance illustrate the article. The examples are results of simulation and design of lighting optical systems, secondary optics for LEDs, stray light analysis, virtual prototyping and photorealistic rendering.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
B. K. Barladian, I. S. Potemin, D. D. Zhdanov, A. G. Voloboy, L. S. Shapiro, I. V. Valiev, and E. D. Birukov "Visual analysis of the computer simulation for both imaging and non-imaging optical systems", Proc. SPIE 10021, Optical Design and Testing VII, 100210T (31 October 2016); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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