16 February 2017 Photonic nanojet properties of dielectric microcylinders
Arash Darafsheh, Douglas Bollinger
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In recent years, it has been demonstrated that micron-scale dielectric spheres and cylinders can form an intense sharply focused photon beam, termed a photonic nanojet. The photonic nanojet effect can be used in a broad range of biomedical and photonics applications, including super-resolution microscopy, optical endoscopy, spectroscopy, and nanolithography. In this work, by means of finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical simulation, we studied the nanojet properties of dielectric microcylinders over a wide range of diameters (4λ-20λ) and refractive indices (1.5-2.0), where λ is the wavelength of light. We studied how the nanojet beam size, intensity, and focal distance vary as a function of size and refractive index of the microcylinders, and refractive index contrast between the microcylinders and the background medium surrounding them.
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Arash Darafsheh and Douglas Bollinger "Photonic nanojet properties of dielectric microcylinders", Proc. SPIE 10106, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXI, 101061U (16 February 2017); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Refractive index

Finite-difference time-domain method

Biomedical optics

Numerical simulations

Distance measurement

Geometrical optics

Super resolution microscopy

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