The aerostatic guide in the traditional three-coordinate measuring machine and profilometer generally use metal or ceramics material. Limited by the guide processing precision, the measurement accuracy of these traditional instruments is around micro-meter level. By selection of optical materials as guide material, optical processing method and laser interference measurement can be introduced to the traditional aerostatic bearings manufacturing field. By using the large aperture wave-front interference measuring equipment , the shape and position error of the glass guide can be obtained in high accuracy and then it can be processed to 0.1μm or even better with the aid of Magnetorheological Finishing(MRF) and Computer Controlled Optical Surfacing (CCOS) process and other modern optical processing method, so the accuracy of aerostatic bearings can be fundamentally improved and ultra high precision coordinate measuring can be achieved. This paper introduces the fabrication and measurement process of the glass guide by K9 with 300mm measuring range, and its working surface accuracy is up to 0.1μm PV, the verticality and parallelism error between the two guide rail face is better than 2μm, and the straightness of the aerostatic bearings by this K9 glass guide is up to 40nm after error compensation.