CCD based array spectrometers are widely applied in remote sensing, earth observation, and other industries. However, the signals of ultraviolet region are very weak. Thus, the stray light is one of the most important factors on accurate measurements. In this work, the in-range stray light of commercial UV/VIS CCD array spectrometer and VIS/NIR CCD spectrometer were corrected by mathematical correction method. The measured stray light value at any pixel is of the order of 10−3 ~10−5 of the true in-range. A reduction of the stray light effect by 1-2 orders of magnitude can be achieved using a correction matrix based on line-spread functions (LSFs), which can be determined with the help of spectrally tunable lasers. On the other hand, the bandwidth of the commercial CCD array spectrometer was corrected due to the increasing needs for high accurate calibration and measurement of spectral radiometry. The correction outcome is in good agreement with the measured results by monochromator spectroradiometer.