Open Access Paper
14 May 2018 Front Matter: Volume 10528
Proceedings Volume 10528, Optical Components and Materials XV; 1052801 (2018)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2018, San Francisco, California, United States
This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 10528, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, and Conference Committee listing.

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Please use the following format to cite material from these proceedings:

Author(s), “Title of Paper,” in Optical Components and Materials XV, edited by Shibin Jiang, Michel J. F. Digonnet, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10528 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2018) Seven-digit Article CID Number.

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISSN: 1996-756X (electronic)

ISBN: 9781510615410

ISBN: 9781510615427 (electronic)

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  • The last two digits indicate publication order within the volume using a Base 36 numbering system employing both numerals and letters. These two-number sets start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B … 0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc. The CID Number appears on each page of the manuscript.


Numbers in the index correspond to the last two digits of the seven-digit citation identifier (CID) article numbering system used in Proceedings of SPIE. The first five digits reflect the volume number. Base 36 numbering is employed for the last two digits and indicates the order of articles within the volume. Numbers start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B…0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc.

Aggarwal, I. D., 1E

Aka, Gérard, 14

Akahane, Kouichi, 0F

Albert, Jacques, 1I

Aljamimi, Salah A., 1I

Allix, M., 0M

André, Paulo S., 1W

Antunes, Paulo F. C., 1W

Aparanji, Santosh, 16

Araki, Keisuke, 1N

Ari, J., 0H

Artemyev, Yuriy A., 02

Arun, S., 16, 17

Baba, Takashi, 0Z

Baierl, H., 0T

Baker, Katherine, 11

Balaswamy, V., 16

Balda, Rolindes, 05, 06

Barnini, Alexandre, 14, 15

Baryshnikova, Kseniia V., 02

Baum, C., 10

Baur, Tom, 1C

Beier, Franz, 09

Berger, M., 10

Bigot, Laurent, 13

Blume, G., 0D

Bonora, Stefano, 1T

Boriboon, Budsara, 0F

Boubekri, H., 1Y

Boussard-Plédel, C., 0H

Bouwmans, Géraud, 13

Braud, A., 0H

Brecher, C., 10

Brownsword, Richard A., 0R

Bureau, B., 0H

Buric, M., 0U

Busse, L. E., 1E

Butcher, Helen L., 0R

Cadier, Benoit, 15

Camy, P., 0H

Cascales, Concepción, 05

Cassez, Andy, 13

Cassidy, Derek, 1L

Castaing, V., 0M

Caurant, Daniel, 14

Chahal, R., 0H

Chatterjee, Avijit, 0X

Cheng, Tonglei, 1J

Cheng, Y., 0U

Cho, Shigeki, 1J

Chorpening, B., 0U

Choudhury, Vishal, 17

Dambon, O., 0Q

Daniel, Jay, 11

da Silva, Danilo A. A., 1U

Datta, Shubhashish, 0Y

Dellith, J., 0T

Demichi, Daisuke, 1P

Desforges, Jean, 1H

Diaf, M., 1Y

Díaz, Camilo A. R., 1W

Domingues, M. Fátima F., 1W

Doualan, J.-L., 0H

Douglas, Jade, 1K

Dubinskii, M., 08

Durán, Alicia, 06

Dvorak, Filip, 0K

Eberhardt, Ramona, 09

Edwards, Vernessa, 1K

Enokihara, Akira, 19

Evlyukhin, Andrey B., 02

Feise, D., 0D

Fernández, Joaquín, 05, 06

Fernández-Carrión, A. J., 0M

Frantz, J. A., 1E

Fujita, Takuya, 0Z

García-Revilla, Sara, 05

Gaudet, Eric, 1H

Gauvin, Serge, 1H

Giehl, Julia M., 1U

Gorni, Giulio, 06

Gotter, Thierry, 14, 15

Grunwald, T., 0Q

Guitton, Pascal, 14, 15

Guyon, Cédric, 14

Haarlammert, Nicoletta, 09

Hein, Sigrun, 09

Hill, C., 0U

Hiramatsu, Takashi, 1N

Homa, D., 0U

Hupel, Christian, 09

Hutchinson, Simon, 1T

Ivanenko, Alexey, 1R

Jafari, Seyed Hamed, 1I

Jedamzik, Ralf, 0P

Jedrzejczyk, D., 0D

Jiang, H. X., 0E

Jimenez-Villar, Ernesto, 1U

Joshi, Abhay, 0Y

Jouart, J.P., 1Y

Kalide, A., 0T

Karabchevsky, Alina, 02

Kasamatsu, Hidenori, 1N

Kashiwagi, Yuta, 19

Kawai, Tadashi, 19

Kawanishi, Tetsuya, 19

Klocke, F., 0Q

Kobtsev, Sergey, 1R

Kraemer, Michael, 1C

Krappig, R., 10

Kreilkamp, H., 0Q

Kuhn, Stefan, 09

Kunala, Karteek, 0S

Kurabayashi, Tomokazu, 0Z

Kuroyanagi, Shunei, 1O

Kyselak, Martin, 0K

Laurent, Arnaud, 14, 15

Le Cocq, Guillaume, 13

Lee, David, 0R

Leisching, P., 0D

Li, J., 0E

Li, Shuguang, 1J

Liggins, Kristopher, 1K

Lin, J. Y., 0E

Liu, B., 0U

Liu, Lai, 1S

Lucianetti, Antonio, 1T

MacLachlan, David G., 0R

Makino, Kenji, 0Z

Malallah, Ra’ed, 1L

Marble, Christopher B., 1X

Markos, Christos, 0V

Marques, Carlos A. F., 1W

Maschke, Jan, 0K

Matsumoto, Atsushi, 0F

Matsumoto, Morio, 1J

Meiers, B., 10

Mélin, Gilles, 15

Michel, K., 0H

Mocek, Tomas, 1T

Möller, Friedrich, 09

Montron, Ronan, 14, 15

Müller, T., 10

Muniraj, Inbarasan, 1L

Nagasaka, Kenshiro, 1M, 1S

Nakadate, Suezou, 1N

Nakamura, Shigeyuki, 0Z

Nazabal, V., 0H

Neto, Anselmo Frizera, 1W

Newburgh, G. A., 08

Nguyen, Hoa Phuoc Trung, 1M

Nodurft, Dawson T., 1X

Nold, Johannes, 09

Nölleke, C., 0D

O’Connor, Sean P., 1X

Ohishi, Yasutake, 1J, 1M, 1O, 1P, 1S

Paschke, K., 0D

Pascual, María J., 06

Patel, Ankit, 11

Pauporté, Th., 1Y

Pelé, A.-L., 0H

Petersen, Christian Rosenberg, 0V

Petzold, Uwe, 0P

Pickrell, G., 0U

Pilar, Jan, 1T

Pohl, J., 0D

Pontes, Maria J., 1W

Poutous, Menelaos K., 0S

Prakash, Roopa, 17

Quiquempois, Yves, 13

Ranger, Carine, 14, 15

Reddy, B. Rami, 1K

Reichel, V., 0T

Ribeiro, Moisés R. N., 1W

Robin, Thierry, 14, 15

Sahm, A., 0D

Sanghera, J. S., 1E

Sapkota, Gopal, 0S

Sauer, S., 10

Scheffel, A., 0T

Schreiber, Thomas, 09

Schuster, K., 0T

Selby, J., 1E

Selvaraja, Shankar Kumar, 0X

Shalin, Alexander S., 02

Shaw, L. B., 1E

Sheridan, John T., 1L

Shibuya, Masato, 1N

Smelser, Christopher W., 1I

Sontakke, A. D., 0M

Starecki, F., 0H

Suhir, E., 0W

Sun, Z. Y., 0E

Supradeepa, V. R., 16, 17

Suzuki, Takenobu, 1J, 1M, 1O, 1P, 1S

Suzuki, Yoshihito, 0Z

Takase, Kosuke, 19

Tamura, Yusei, 0Z

Tanabe, S., 0M

Terekhov, Pavel D., 02

Thomson, Robert R., 0R

Tong, Hoang Tuan, 1J, 1M, 1O, 1P

Trinel, Jean-Baptiste, 13

Tünnermann, Andreas, 09

Velázquez, José J., 06

Viana, B., 0M, 1Y

Vlcek, Cestmir, 0K

Wada, Naoya, 0F

Wan, Min, 1L

Wang, A., 0U

Wang, Q. W., 0E

Weber, Gernot, 0P

Weidmann, Damien, 0R

Werner, N., 0D

Wetter, Niklaus U., 1U

Wharmby, Andrew W., 1X

Worasucheep, Duang-rudee, 0F

Xu, J., 0M

Yakovlev, Vladislav V., 1X

Yamamoto, Koei, 0Z

Yamamoto, Naokatsu, 0F, 19

Yan, Xin, 1J

Yi, S., 0W

Yu, Z., 0U

Zhang, J., 08

Conference Committee

Symposium Chairs

  • Connie J. Chang-Hasnain, University of California, Berkeley (United States)

  • Graham T. Reed, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)

Symposium Co-Chairs

  • Jean-Emmanuel Broquin, IMEP-LAHC (France)

  • Shibin Jiang, AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)

Program Track Chair

  • James G. Grote, Air Force Research Laboratory (United States)

Conference Chairs

  • Shibin Jiang, AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)

  • Michel J. F. Digonnet, Stanford University (United States)

Conference Program Committee

  • Jean-Luc Adam, Université de Rennes 1 (France)

  • Joel Bagwell, Edmund Optics Inc. (United States)

  • Rolindes Balda, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)

  • Robert P. Dahlgren, CSUMB/NASA Ames Research Center (United States)

  • Angel Flores, Air Force Research Laboratory (United States)

  • Jesse A. Frantz, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (United States)

  • Leonid B. Glebov, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida (United States)

  • Seppo K. Honkanen, University of Eastern Finland (Finland)

  • Jacques Lucas, Université de Rennes 1 (France)

  • Yasutake Ohishi, Toyota Technological Institute (Japan)

  • Aydogan Ozcan, University of California, Los Angeles (United States)

  • Giancarlo C. Righini, Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi (Italy)

  • Setsuhisa Tanabe, Kyoto University (Japan)

  • John M. Zavada, National Science Foundation (United States)

  • Jun Zhang, U.S. Army Research Laboratory (United States)

Session Chairs

  • 1 Nanoparticles

    Michel J. F. Digonnet, Stanford University (United States)

  • 2 Rare-Earth-Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers I

    Shibin Jiang, AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)

  • 3 Free-Space Lasers and Amplifiers

    Aydogan Ozcan, University of California, Los Angeles (United States)

  • 4 Sensors

    Rolindes Balda, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)

  • 5 Optical Properties of Materials

    Leonid B. Glebov, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics,

    University of Central Florida (United States)

  • 6 Glass Fabrication and Components

    Jesse A. Frantz, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (United States)

  • 7 Specialty Optical Fibers

    Angel Flores, Air Force Research Laboratory (United States)

  • 8 Photodetectors

    Shibin Jiang, AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)

  • 9 Free-Space Optics

    Qing Wang, AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)

  • 10 Rare-Earth-Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers II

    Michel J. F. Digonnet, Stanford University (United States)

  • 11 Optical Components I

    Jun Zhang, U.S. Army Research Laboratory (United States)

  • 12 Optical Components II

    Michel J. F. Digonnet, Stanford University (United States)

© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
"Front Matter: Volume 10528", Proc. SPIE 10528, Optical Components and Materials XV, 1052801 (14 May 2018);
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