2 November 2018 Spectrum restoration methods of a polarimetric-spectro imager based on light field architecture
Lijuan Su, Yujian Liu, Yan Yuan
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The light field polarimetric-spectro imager can capture the polarization, spectral and intensity characteristics of targets in a single shot. Due to diffraction and misalignment of components, there is aliasing among the spectral and polarization channels. In order to obtain accurate spectra of targets, the inversion methods are needed to process the captured data. We study three inversion algorithms, including the Least Squares algorithm, the Truncated Generalized Singular Value Decomposition algorithm and the Tikhonov regulation algorithm. Firstly, we simulated the light field spectral-polarization data with different noise levels and reconstructed spectra using three methods. The result shows that the Tikhonov algorithm can reconstruct spectrum with better accuracy and has better robustness than the other two algorithms. The algorithms are also used to process the data captured by a prototype system. The results also show the superior of the Tikhonov algorithm.
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Lijuan Su, Yujian Liu, and Yan Yuan "Spectrum restoration methods of a polarimetric-spectro imager based on light field architecture", Proc. SPIE 10817, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology V, 108171H (2 November 2018);
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Reconstruction algorithms

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