Presentation + Paper
9 September 2019 Simple analytical model for optical efficiency of an energy-harvesting projector
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One can display an image by scanning a laser light on a fluorescent waveguide. Solar cells attached to its edge surface harvest the photoluminescent photons. Its optical efficiency is defined as the ratio of the number of the photoluminescent photons collected by the solar cells over the number of incident photons. There are models reported on this topic for a luminescent solar concentrator and most of them are based on either numerical integration or Monte Carlo simulation. In our model, an isotropic emitter is placed at a single spot in a square waveguide. First, we ignore optical losses during propagation for simplicity and calculate the efficiency as the product of three factors: the trapping probability in the waveguide, the ratio of the angle subtended by one edge from the single spot over 2π, and the probability of exiting from the edge. The other three edges are assumed to be absorbing. This simple calculation gives the efficiency as a function of the coordinates of the excitation spot. Next, we introduce an attenuation coefficient to account for optical losses. Adding contribution from each wavelength of a photoluminescent spectrum would give the overall efficiency. In experiment, we can measure this efficiency by coupling a photodiode array to one edge of a fluorescent waveguide and exciting a single spot by a laser beam. Our preliminary result indicates that the model roughly reproduces the value of the efficiency and its dependency on the position of the excitation spot.
Conference Presentation
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ichiro Fujieda, Yasuhiro Tsutsumi, Kohei Yunoki, and Yoshiki Yamada "Simple analytical model for optical efficiency of an energy-harvesting projector", Proc. SPIE 11120, Nonimaging Optics: Efficient Design for Illumination and Solar Concentration XVI, 111200H (9 September 2019); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Projection systems


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