9 March 2020 Integrated nonlinear silicon photonics with metallic nanofocusing components on silicon (Conference Presentation)
Rupert F. Oulton, Nicholas A. Gusken, Michael P. Nielsen, Paul Dichtl, Xingyuan Shi, Stefan A. Maier
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We report integrated nonlinear plasmonic components integrated on a silicon photonics platform at telecommunications wavelengths. While metals commonly introduce loss, here less than 1dB insertion loss is possible by rapid nano-focussing and defocussing. Metallic components are designed to focus light to a 10 nm scale where nonlinear processes are greatly enhanced. We discuss progress on four-wave mixing over micron-scale interaction lengths as well as new results on Raman scattering. The technique introduces the possibility of compact, broadband, and efficient nonlinear silicon photonic devices.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rupert F. Oulton, Nicholas A. Gusken, Michael P. Nielsen, Paul Dichtl, Xingyuan Shi, and Stefan A. Maier "Integrated nonlinear silicon photonics with metallic nanofocusing components on silicon (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 11284, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XXII, 1128411 (9 March 2020);
Silicon photonics



Nonlinear optics

Integrated optical circuits

Integrated optics

Optical components

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