Presentation + Paper
31 January 2020 Contrasting quantum sensing light source properties, which generate different photocurrent pulse-statistics
C. Roychoudhuri, G. Fernando, N. Tirfessa, N. Prasad
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We are developing a semi-classical model to explain the physical processes behind the origin of the statistical variations in the photoelectron current pulses that we register for different kinds of light. They are: super-Poissonian thermal light, Poissonian laser light and sub-Poissonian nonlinearly generated light. Einstein’s photoelectron equation is an energy balancing equation. It does not incorporate the E-vector stimulation process before the quantum mechanically bound electrons can be released, which constitutes a key objective of physics. To introduce physics, we postulate that the photons are hybrid entities. They are discrete packets of energy hνmn at the moment of emission. Then they immediately evolve into spatially spreading diffractive wave packets to accommodate Huygens-Fresnel principle. HF principle has been behind the sustained progress in classical optics and photonics engineering. Thus a spatially spread out single wave-packet cannot any more deliver the necessary quantum cupful of energy hνmn to Angstrom-size detecting atoms. We need simultaneous stimulation of the same quantum entity by multiple wave packets. This model of physical interaction process naturally brings into play the significance of the degree of mutual coherence between different photon wave packets, along with their time varying amplitudes that are simultaneously stimulating the detecting quantum entities during any time-interval selected for the detection system. The superposition effects on the detector due to these phase and amplitude fluctuations are the physics-reasons behind the generation of different statistical variations in the photoelectron counts due to different kinds of sources even though the original photons are released randomly by all quantum sources.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
C. Roychoudhuri, G. Fernando, N. Tirfessa, and N. Prasad "Contrasting quantum sensing light source properties, which generate different photocurrent pulse-statistics", Proc. SPIE 11288, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII, 112880F (31 January 2020);
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Statistical modeling

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