1.INTRODUCTIONIt is known that light beams carry linear as well as angular momenta. The spin angular momentum (SAM) of photons is related to polarization [1]. On the other hand, orbital angular momentum (OAM) is independent of the polarization and is related to the wavefront instead [2]. Such beams, also known as optical vortices, exhibit a transverse helical phase with еilФ dependence around the beam propagation axis. A rapid phase rotation around the center results in an on-axis phase singularity yielding a donut-like intensity profile with a dark-hole at the center. There are two main attributes for such beams: (1) the topological charge l is the number of 2π phase shifts along the azimuthal coordinate Φ of the beam, and (2) for a vortex beam of topological charge l, each photon carries an OAM of lħ [2]. Moreover, unlike the intrinsic nature of SAM, the OAM of helically phased beams can either be intrinsic or extrinsic [3]. Owing to the numerous applications of optical vortices, the generation, and characterization of light beams carrying topological singularities has received increasing attention in the recent past [4]. Besides, high harmonic generation (HHG) in rare gases has proven to be a handy way to generate extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) vortices of low and high topological charges [5-7]. HHG, when driven by a driver of topological charge l1, follows the perturbative energy conversion law lq = ql1, where lq is the topological charge of qth harmonic [5, 7]. In this work, we present experimental intensity and wavefront characterization of very high-charge EUV vortex obtained through high harmonic generation in an Argon filled gas-cell of 10 mm and 15 mm lengths. In both cases, we validate the multiplicative law lq = ql1 for the 25th harmonic of the driving beam, hence ruling out any propagation effects [8] even in a 15 mm long generation medium. Moreover, efficient HHG in the longer generation medium allowed intensity and wavefront characterization in single-shot mode. The ability to perform such a characterization of the high-charge vortex structure provides a unique opportunity to investigate the effect of phase-matching and other experimental parameters on the modal content of EUV vortex beam in single-shot mode, which will be reported in the forthcoming study. 2.EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND RESULTS.The schematic of the experimental setup is presented in Fig. 1. High-harmonic generation is driven by the low-energy beamline of the LASERIX multibeam platform at the University of Paris-Saclay [9]. The near-infrared (IR) beam of central wavelength 815 nm, pulse duration ~45 fs, and diameter ~24 mm at 1/e2, drives HHG at a 10 Hz repetition rate. The energy of the IR beam can be continuously varied using a half-waveplate and polarizer. An iris of variable diameter placed before the focusing optics is used to optimize the phase matching. Moreover, the experimental setup is adapted to readily switch between different focusing conditions and gas-cell lengths. The focusing lens, as well as gas-cell, are mounted on motorized translation stages, allowing precise displacement of the generation medium with respect to the beam waist. The HHG beamline is equipped with wavefront sensors for near-IR (800 ± 50 nm) and EUV to soft X-ray (40 to 4 nm) spectral range. The diagnostic to the amplitude and phase of the IR driver is provided by a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (HASO4 FIRST, Imagine Optic). Given sensor consists of an array of microlenses (32 × 40) providing RMS tilt measurement sensitivity of ~5 μrad and an absolute wavefront measurement accuracy of ~λ/100 at the calibrated wavelength. The amplitude and phase of the upconverted high-harmonic beam are characterized using an Extreme ultraviolet Hartmann sensor (EUV HASO, Imagine Optic) located ~ 1.98 m following the generation medium. The EUV HASO comprises a Hartmann mask of 72 × 72 square micro-hole array placed before a back-illuminated EUV CCD (Pixis XO 1024B; pixel size 13 μm). Each of these subpupils samples a part of the incident wavefront to yield local intensity and wavevector direction with a tilt measurement sensitivity of ~0.05 μrad Rms. This leads to an absolute wavefront measurement accuracy of ~λ/50 at 30 nm. In contrast to diffractive [10] or interferometric techniques [5], using a wavefront sensor yields a complete amplitude and phase of the vortex beam. It is also to note that wavefront measurements of optical vortices have previously been used to measure the Poynting vector skew angle [11], and most recently, revealed the multimodal nature of EUV vortices obtained through HHG in a noble gas [12]. The experimental setup is also equipped with a high-resolution, monochromatic, EUV imaging system that allows us to characterize the near-field intensity profile of the high-harmonic source. Furthermore, the given system can be used to image the exit of gas-cell onto two different EUV CCDs with a magnification factor of ~6.5 and ~11, leading to a spatial resolution of 2 μm and ~1.2 μm at the object plane, respectively. The IR-vortex beam is generated by inserting a 16-segment spiral phaseplate [13] designed for wavelength 815 nm (HoloOr) into the incoming Gaussian beam. The phaseplate bears antireflective coating on both the faces and the resulting transmission efficiency is ~99.9%. To characterize the infrared vortex, the incoming beam is sampled and guided to the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. The sensor is placed ~300 mm after the waist. A typical raw-Hartmanngram is shown in Fig. 3 (a). The measured slopes, which is the local phase-front tilt sampled by each micro-lens of the wavefront sensor is shown in figure 3(b). The slopes exhibit a clockwise rotation around the central phase singularity. From the raw Hartmanngram, the intensity and wavefront of the vortex beam are reconstructed. The corresponding wavefronts are depicted in Fig. 3 (c, d). A clear phase variation of ~1λ signifies a unit topological charge, whereas a clockwise and an anticlockwise rotation of the wavefront is related to the positive and negative signs of the charge. Moreover, utilizing the Fourier Transform relationship between the topological charge l and azimuthal angle Φ, the OAM spectrum can be retrieved without the need for an analytical basis [14]. Thanks to the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, such an analysis using the experimentally characterized amplitude and phase of IR-vortex indicates ~91% contribution to l1 = ±1 azimuthal mode. To generate high harmonics, the IR-vortex beam is loosely focused in the Argon-filled gas-cell. After removing the residual infrared beam with a metallic (300 nm; Al) filter, the HHG beam is guided to the EUV wavefront sensor through a 45° multilayer dielectric mirror acting as a spectral filter. The 25th harmonic centered at the wavelength of 32.6 nm is spectrally selected and guided to the wavefront sensor. The spectral tuning of the harmonic beam is realized through IR spectral phase control using an acousto-optic modulator (Dazzler, FASTLITE). The extinction of the adjacent harmonic orders is over 90% [15]. The usage of such a mirror facilitates wavefront analysis of only the selected harmonic order, hence making the data interpretation unambiguous. For the 10 mm long gas-cell, the IR-vortex beam is apertured with an iris of diameter ~13 mm and is focused using a plano-convex lens of focal length 1m. In the given focusing condition, an optimum HHG-OAM signal level is observed for a laser energy of ~4.5 mJ after the diaphragm and 24 mbar gas-pressure. The gas-cell is positioned to have the waist of the driving beam in the center. The reconstructed intensity and wavefront of the 25th harmonic for l1 = ±1 is shown in Fig. 3. Efficient HHG in 10 mm long gas-cell allows acquiring Hartmanngrams with high signal-to-noise by accumulating just 5 laser-shots. A continuous and smooth phase variation can be seen in Fig. 3(b) and 3(d). Moreover, the peak-to-valley phase variation is ~25 λ in both cases validating the linear conversion law lq = ąl1. This implies that even in a long generation medium, the EUV vortex retains the high-charge helical wavefront. Numerically backpropagated intensity profile utilizing the amplitude and phase of EUV vortex generated using l1 = –1 beam is depicted in Fig. 3 (e). A good agreement between the numerical and experimental nearfield intensity profile showed in Fig. 3 (f) indicates the high-fidelity of Hartmann sensor data. In the next step, to generate the EUV vortex in a further long medium, we switch to 2-meter focusing geometry. The incoming vortex beam of topological charge l1 = –1 is clipped using an iris of diameter ~20 mm and focused into 15 mm long Argon filled gas-cell. The Rayleigh length zr is ~8 mm under these conditions. The confocal parameter 2zr still exceeds the length of the gas-cell, hence facilitating the generation of intense EUV vortices while satisfying the phase-matching conditions. The driving beam has ~11 mJ after the iris. The intensity profile of the IR-vortex beam at the waist in the given condition is shown in Fig. 1 (c). In contrast to the prior focusing condition, an optimum signal level was observed for ~12 mbar gas-pressure. Besides, an efficient HHG in a further long generation medium allowed single-shot amplitude and phase characterization of the EUV vortex beam. A single-shot raw Hartmanngram of the upconverted vortex is shown in Fig. 4 (a). A quiver plot of the measured slopes is shown in Fig. 4 (b). Similar to the rotating slopes of the IR driver presented in Fig. 2 (b), the EUV vortex also exhibit spiraling slopes around the central phase singularity. From the raw Hartmanngram, intensity and wavefront are reconstructed. The resulting wavefront is shown in Fig. 4(d) bears a smooth and continuous wavefront rotation. Moreover, the peak-to-valley wavefront variation of ~25 λ indicates a topological charge of 25. This demonstrates that EUV vortex obtained through phase-matched absorption-limited HHG in an extended generated medium indeed retains the helical wavefront of the IR driver. Additionally, the experimental results are per perturbative conversion law lq = ql1, hence ruling out the so-called propagation effect [10] for such a high-topological charge EUV vortex even in a 15 mm long generation medium. CONCLUSIONSIn conclusion, we have characterized intensity as well as the wavefront of high-charge EUV vortex obtained through high harmonic generation in an extended generation medium. A low numerical aperture focusing condition allowed the generation of intense vortices, hence enabling a single-shot amplitude and phase characterization. Moreover, we validate the perturbative conversion law lq = ql1 even in a 15 mm long generation medium, hence ruling out the possibility of any propagation effect that might affect the high-charge topological feature of the EUV vortex beam. 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