Poster + Presentation + Paper
9 October 2021 A 50 km fiber-optic two-way quantum time transfer experiment with long-term stability below 100 fs
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Conference Poster
Based on frequency entangled sources and arrival time measurements, a best time synchronization stability result of fewer than 100 fs has been reported over 20km fiber links, verifying the superiority of quantum time synchronization. In this paper, a two-way quantum time transfer over 50 km fiber links with the same frequency standard was implemented, with a short-term stability of 2.63 ps at an averaging time of 18 s and a long-term stability of 79.2 fs at 73700 s. The system accuracy in terms of the 50km fiber transfer length is measured as 524.75 ps, the agreement of which with the theoretical simulation illustrates that improving the spectral consistency of the two entangled sources will significantly improve the accuracy. This result shows that the fiber-optic two-way quantum time transfer can be successfully extended to a metropolitan fiber link distance of around 50 km or longer, not only maintaining the transfer stability well below picosecond but also promising further improvements in synchronization accuracy.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Huibo Hong, Runai Quan, Xiao Xiang, Yuting Liu, Junjie Xing, Peng Liu, Mingtao Cao, Tao Liu, Ruifang Dong, and Shougang Zhang "A 50 km fiber-optic two-way quantum time transfer experiment with long-term stability below 100 fs", Proc. SPIE 11902, Real-time Photonic Measurements, Data Management, and Processing VI, 1190216 (9 October 2021);
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Picosecond phenomena

Fiber optics



Fiber optics tests

Time metrology

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