Presentation + Paper
31 May 2022 Understanding the synthetic and measured GAP from the CNN classifier perspective
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Many classifier problems are limited by the amount of data that is available to train the algorithm. This problem is exascerbated by deep learners who require large amounts of data. One approach to solving this problem is to use synthetic data to train the classifier; however, as is often the case, there are differences between synthetic and measured data that limit the performance of this approach. This effort baselines a fundamental approach to solving this problem by using a simple Siamese network to classify the target with one twin trained with abundant synthetic SAR data and the other twin trained with limited measured SAR data. The network is trained using the standard cross-entropy cost function and is the functional equivalent of a single network jointly trained by measured and synthetic data. The performance of this approach is characterized as a function of the amount of measured data required to train the algorithm.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anne Major, Edmund Zelnio, and Fred Garber "Understanding the synthetic and measured GAP from the CNN classifier perspective", Proc. SPIE 12095, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXIX, 120950A (31 May 2022);
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Synthetic aperture radar


Data modeling

Detection and tracking algorithms

Target recognition

Network architectures


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