5 January 2023 Development of knowledge control software in graph theory
T. M. Kuzmina, O. A. Vetrova
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Proceedings Volume 12564, 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications for Management and Sustainable Development of Production and Industry (CMSD-II-2022); 125640U (2023)
Event: Computer Applications for Management and Sustainable Development of Production and Industry (CMSD2022), 2022, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
The manuscript deals with the features of the development of control programs, working with which is similar to performing laboratory work. The development of such programs is based on computer visualization of graphs. To depict the work of algorithms on graphs, different color schemes and different designations are used to convey the processes of manipulation with graph elements. The developed programs provide interactive work with the material and implement learning by action. The article deals with the algorithms “Search in Breadth” and “Search in Depth”, the Ford-Bellman shortest path search algorithm, the Terry algorithm for finding a route between two different vertices. When writing programs, object-oriented programming technology was used. Various classes have been created to model the structure of the graph and its various states
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
T. M. Kuzmina and O. A. Vetrova "Development of knowledge control software in graph theory", Proc. SPIE 12564, 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications for Management and Sustainable Development of Production and Industry (CMSD-II-2022), 125640U (5 January 2023);
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Control software

Education and training


Software development

Algorithm development



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