9 August 2023 Cerebral resting state oscillations study with TD fNIRS
R. Re, L. Contini, D. Contini, F. Orihuela-Espina, A. Torricelli, L. Spinelli
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This work aims to show the possibility to perform in-vivo acquisitions with high sampling rate (20 Hz) with Time Domain functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (TD fNIRS) for studying brain resting state oscillations. Based on numerical simulations, a protocol was designed for acquiring hemodynamics parameters on 13 healthy volunteers during normal and forced respiration. Both the experiments had a length of 15 minutes and during the forced respiration one, subjects were ask to breath at 5 breaths per minute (0.083 Hz) following a metronome. Systemic (UP) and cortical (DW) oxy- (O2Hb) and deoxy- (HHb) hemoglobin concentrations (absolute values) were successfully retrieved with a single measure on the frontal lobe. Temporal series and Power Spectral Density (PSD) were calculated for: physiological signals (electrocardiogram, breath signal, blood volume pulse, skin conductance and temperature), total counts at the two wavelengths (RED = 689.5±0.5 nm and IR=828.5±0.5 nm), counts in temporal gates for RED and IR, absolute values of O2Hb_UP, O2Hb_DW, HHb_UP and HHb_DW. Specific characteristic peaks were evaluated in the cardiac, respiratory, low, and very low frequency bands. The behavior among the subjects was uniform and differences between the two experiments were found.
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R. Re, L. Contini, D. Contini, F. Orihuela-Espina, A. Torricelli, and L. Spinelli "Cerebral resting state oscillations study with TD fNIRS", Proc. SPIE 12628, Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging IX, 126280I (9 August 2023);
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In vivo imaging

Near infrared spectroscopy

Numerical simulations

Pulse signals

Sampling rates

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