27 April 2023 Automation method for configuring IT infrastructure for IT projects
V. A. Ivlev, I. V. Nikiforov, O. A. Yusupova
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Proceedings Volume 12637, International Conference on Digital Transformation: Informatics, Economics, and Education (DTIEE2023); 126370D (2023)
Event: International Conference on Digital Transformation: Informatics, Economics, and Education (DTIEE2023), 2023, Fergana, Uzbekistan
This article discusses an automation method for configuring IT infrastructure for IT projects based on the use of natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. The paper begins by discussing the relevance of the topic, reviewing existing solutions and third-party research in the field. Next, a mathematical model for implementing the method is proposed, and the architecture and technical implementation of the system are described. The results of the work include an approach for assessing the effectiveness of the system, both with and without automation, and a description of the expected results. In conclusion, the authors summarize their work and offer directions for further development of the proposed method and system. This article is a significant contribution to the field of IT infrastructure setup automation, providing a fast and efficient setup process for projects of varying complexity. It can be useful for developers, engineers, and project managers who want to optimize the process of setting up IT infrastructure and improve the quality of their projects.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. A. Ivlev, I. V. Nikiforov, and O. A. Yusupova "Automation method for configuring IT infrastructure for IT projects", Proc. SPIE 12637, International Conference on Digital Transformation: Informatics, Economics, and Education (DTIEE2023), 126370D (27 April 2023);
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