Presentation + Paper
12 March 2024 Optical resolution and MTF of a low-cost Fourier ptychography microscope using a Raspberry Pi computer
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Introduction: Low-cost optical microscopes are under development by several groups to bring point-of-care malaria diagnosis services to under-served communities in low-resource settings. We describe a Fourier ptychography microscope (FPM) system based on an open-source design and a method of measuring spatial resolution in terms of the optical modulation transfer function (MTF) using images of the 1951 USAF resolution test device.

Methods: The FPM system uses a Raspberry Pi computer and 196-LED matrix light source. FPM images were reconstructed using in-house Python code. The MTF was determined from bar-patterns using a least-squares analysis to fit a square wave, including odd-harmonic terms, to image profiles through the bars. These were normalized to larger uniform regions of the pattern and combined to generate the MTF.

Results: Total component cost of the FPM was less than $200. The theoretical diffraction limit imposed by the pupil function of this system was 280 cycles/mm, slightly less than the measured MTF 10% frequency of 300 cycles/mm. The 10% frequency in FPM images was 550 cycles/mm.

Conclusions: The USAF test pattern provides a practical method for assessing FPM performance in terms of the achieved MTF of the $200 Raspberry Pi based Fourier ptychography microscope. The limiting frequency in FPM images, 550 cycles/mm, was slightly less than the Nyquist sampling cut-off frequency of 670 cycles/mm imposed by pixel spacing.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Haechan J. Yang, William Wasswa, Raymond Li, Brandon Pautler, Aidan Fry, Rajan Leung, David W. Holdsworth, and Ian A. Cunningham "Optical resolution and MTF of a low-cost Fourier ptychography microscope using a Raspberry Pi computer", Proc. SPIE 12832, Optics and Biophotonics in Low-Resource Settings X, 1283205 (12 March 2024);
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Modulation transfer functions


Optical resolution

Image restoration

Light emitting diodes

Optical testing

Spatial resolution

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