Presentation + Paper
12 March 2024 Design of a processing-head for AI-optimized welding and cutting
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We present the design of a high-power suitable processing-head used for laser material processing with compact piezo-driven kHz-range 3D beam steering in combination with a multiplexed output beam consisting of three different laser sources. The common beam consists of an 8-kW disc laser that is used to provide the bias-level of energy to preheat the work piece during welding or cutting close to the ablation threshold. The second laser is a MHz-switchable polarization-modulated kW-class Yb-doped fiber amplifier, which in combination with a high-power suitable polarizer transfers the polarization-modulation into a fast switchable amplitude-modulation that is finally used for the material processing. Furthermore, for the purpose of process control during cutting and welding a spectrally shifted 10 W-class fs-pulsed laser is incorporated and used for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Dynamic beam-steering and focusing in the range of several kHz at the output of the processing head is included utilizing a piezo-driven tip/tilt-mirror and a deformable mirror. Further details on the construction of the process head as well as on the different laser sources will be discussed in the presentation. Based on previous teaching of an AI-network with the obtained data from various parameter sweeps, such as camera images of the backscattered light, LIBS measurements and the inspection of the cutting edge or the welding seem, online process optimization shall be granted to improve process quality and cost-efficiency along with a decrease in yield during production.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maximilian Strecker, Paul Böttner, Benjamin Yildiz, Saskia Heinrichs, Till Walbaum, and Thomas Schreiber "Design of a processing-head for AI-optimized welding and cutting", Proc. SPIE 12878, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems XIII, 1287803 (12 March 2024);
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Laser processing


Laser cutting

Fiber amplifiers

Beam steering


Laser welding

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