18 December 2023 Research on automatic assembly method of dual manipulator for large-scale segmented optical components
Pei Li, Jie Wu, Chong Lv, Yue Xiao, Chunrui Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 12964, AOPC 2023: Optical Design and Manufacturing ; 1296409 (2023)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China 2023 (AOPC2023), 2023, Beijing, China
Aiming at the problems of poor safety, reliability and assembly consistency of manual assembly of large segmented optical components, a dual manipulator automatic assembly method is proposed. First of all, a modular automatic assembly system is built, and the interactive cooperation mode of dual robotic arms is adopted to realize the function exchange of the two robotic arms and meet the requirements of a wider and larger visual identification and assembly range. Then, the 3D spatial grasping and assembly relationship is established by the “point cloud stitching” technology based on marker points, and the system calibration is completed. Finally, a “step-by-step” point-by-point approximation assembly strategy is proposed, which corrects the error through binocular vision guidance to improve the final assembly accuracy, which meets the requirements of high assembly accuracy and strong consistency of large-scale segmented optical components.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pei Li, Jie Wu, Chong Lv, Yue Xiao, and Chunrui Zhang "Research on automatic assembly method of dual manipulator for large-scale segmented optical components", Proc. SPIE 12964, AOPC 2023: Optical Design and Manufacturing , 1296409 (18 December 2023);
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Binocular vision

Optical components

Segmented mirrors

Assembly equipment

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