20 February 2024 Creation of a painting dataset for use in artificial intelligence tasks
Galina B. Barskaya, Tatiana Y. Chernysheva, Igor A. Krupkin, Anastasia A. Lesiv
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Proceedings Volume 13065, Third International Conference on Optics, Computer Applications, and Materials Science (CMSD-III 2023); 1306502 (2024)
Event: Third International Conference on Optics, Computer Applications, and Materials Science (CMSD-III 2023), 2023, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
This article describes the creation of a custom thematic dataset for generating descriptions of artistic works (paintings). An algorithm for forming a dataset using deep learning models is proposed. Initially, an analysis of scientific publications was conducted to identify key features important for the perception of works of art. Then, relevant datasets with descriptions in various languages were extracted from various sources, including the collections of major museums. After preliminary processing and filtering of irrelevant features, the data were combined into a single dataset. All text data were translated into Russian. 7 key features and 21 fields were selected for each painting image with corresponding descriptive information. As a result, a new dataset consisting of 10,000 images of paintings and annotations to them was formed.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Galina B. Barskaya, Tatiana Y. Chernysheva, Igor A. Krupkin, and Anastasia A. Lesiv "Creation of a painting dataset for use in artificial intelligence tasks", Proc. SPIE 13065, Third International Conference on Optics, Computer Applications, and Materials Science (CMSD-III 2023), 1306502 (20 February 2024);
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Data modeling

Artificial intelligence

Education and training

Machine learning


Feature extraction

Systems modeling


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