24 August 2024 Performance of solar orbiter PHI image stabilisation System (ISS) on ground, during commissioning, and science phase
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Conference Poster
The ESA mission Solar Orbiter was successfully launched in February 2020. The Photospheric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) provides measurements of the photospheric solar magnetic field and line of sight velocities at high solar latitudes with high polarimetric accuracy. The required pointing precision is achieved by an image stabilisation system (ISS) that compensates for spacecraft jitter. The ISS consists of a high-speed correlation tracker camera (CTC) and a fast steerable tip-tilt mirror operated in closed loop. We will present the results of the calibration measurements and performance tests from ground measurements, during commissioning and science phase. In addition, the correlation tracker was used to directly measure the pointing stability of the satellite.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Reiner Volkmer, Eiji Nakai, Pablo Gutierrez-Marques, Dennis Busse, Johann Hirzberger, Achim Gandorfer, Dietmar Germerott, Martin Kolleck, Thorsten Maue, Jose Maria Gomez Cama, David Roma Dollase, Kinga Albert, David Orozco Suárez, Nestor Albelo Jorge, Thierry Appourchaux, Alberto Alvarez Herrero, Julian Blanco Rodriguez, Lucas Guerrero, Fatima Kahil, Sami Solanki, Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta, Joachim Woch, Bjoern Fiethe, Isabel Perez Grande, Esteban Sanchis Kilders, Maria Balaguer Martinez, Luis Bellot Rubio, Daniele Calchetti, Manuel Carmona Flores, Werner Deutsch, Alex Feller, German Fernandez Rico, Ana Belen Fernandez Medina Maeso, Pilar Garcia Parejo, Jose Luis Gasent Blesa, Laurent Gizon, Bianca Grauf, Klaus Heerlein, Andreas Lagg, Tobias Lange, Antonio Lopez Jimenez, Reinhard Meller, Harald Michalik, Alejandro Moreno Vacas, Reinhard Müller, Wolfgang Schmidt, Jesper Schou, Udo Schühle, Jonas Sinjan, Hanna Strecker, Jan Staub, Ignacio Torralbo, Gherardo Valori, and Thomas Berkefeld "Performance of solar orbiter PHI image stabilisation System (ISS) on ground, during commissioning, and science phase", Proc. SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 130927F (24 August 2024);
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Image stabilization




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