The Faint Intergalactic Medium Redshifted Emission Balloon (FIREBall-2) is a UV multi-object spectrograph designed to detect emission from the circumgalactic and circumquasar medium at low redshifts (0.3 < z < 1.0). The FIREBall-2 spectrograph uses a suborbital balloon vehicle to access a stratospheric transmission window centered around 205 nm and is fed by a 1-m primary parabolic mirror and a 2-mirror field corrector that allows an ≈11’ x 35’ field of view. The slit-mask spectrograph can access dozens of galaxy targets per field, with each target spectrum read out on a UV electron-multiplying CCD detector. Following a flight in 2018, several refurbishments and modifications were made to the instrument and telescope to prepare for additional flight opportunities. Here we present an overview of upgrades and improvements made since the previous flight and discuss the 2023 field campaign, which culminated in a flight from Fort Sumner, New Mexico in September, 2023.