Poster + Paper
11 September 2024 Small-ELF Telescope opto-mechanical system: progress on design, manufacturing, and tensegrity prototyping
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Conference Poster
Small-ELF (SELF) is a 3.5-meter telescope currently entering the manufacturing phase and will serve as a technology precursor for the much larger telescope named ELF (Exo-Life Finder). The primary objective of the proposed design approach is to to radically improve the system’s capabilities for the detection of biomarkers and life in the atmospheres of exoplanets while keeping costs well below the current flagship observatories and thus maintaining cost-effectiveness. This is achieved through innovative approaches in motion and shape control, machine learning, and the integration of tensegrity techniques. SELF's manufacturing phase will commence in 2024-2025, with detailed design and manufacturing specifics outlined in this paper. To further mitigate technical risks, a small 0.25-meter prototype named MicroELF is also being designed and built in 2024. MicroELF incorporates the proposed optical and mechanical design to allow varying degrees of freedom for each component and utilizes distributed aperture principles akin to SELF. The degrees of freedom in MicroELF are controllable based on optical image feedback and a machine learning model. The paper details the optomechanical complexity of MicroELF, designed for successful construction and demonstration within 2024. SELF and MicroELF, as technology demonstrators, address prevalent cost and scalability challenges in existing telescopes, intending to introduce a novel paradigm in large telescope structural design.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ye Zhou, T. K. Lee, J. R. Kuhn, Mauricio de Oliveira, I. Cunnyngham, S. Jefferies, M. Langlois, K. Lewis, N. Lodieu, G. Moretto, R. Rebolo, J. Ritter, R. Swindle, S. Salata, and R. Diego "Small-ELF Telescope opto-mechanical system: progress on design, manufacturing, and tensegrity prototyping", Proc. SPIE 13094, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes X, 130943R (11 September 2024);
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