19 July 2024 The construction of the MAAT IFU for the GTC OSIRIS spectrograph
Francisco Prada, Robert Content, Vincent Lapere, Jules Gautier, Manuela Abril, Kilian Henríquez, Gabriel Gómez, Sergio Fernandez, Enrique Pérez, David Jones, Ariel Goobar, Jens Hjorth, M. Ángeles Perez García, Rubén Sanquirce-Garcia, Borja Vega, Gaizka Murga, Guillermo Glez-de-Rivera, Ernesto Sánchez-Blanco, Ryan Cooke
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Conference Poster
The new Integral Field Unit (IFU) for the OSIRIS spectrograph on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC), Mirror-slicer Array for Astronomical Transients (MAAT), will see its first light in Autumn 2024. The field is 10" x 7" with 23 slices 0.305" wide, resulting in a spaxel size of 0.254" x 0.305". The wavelength range is 360 nm to 1000 nm. The spectral resolution will be approximately 1.6 times larger than with a standard slit of 0.6" due to the smaller size of the slices. All eleven Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHs) and grisms will be available to provide broad spectral coverage with low to intermediate resolution (R=600 to 4100). The small space envelope, the maximum weight of the mask holder, and the curvature and tilt of the slit created additional design challenges. We will present the relevant aspects of the construction of the MAAT IFU optical bench, mechanical support, and the upgrade of the OSIRIS Mask Charger necessary to host MAAT.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Francisco Prada, Robert Content, Vincent Lapere, Jules Gautier, Manuela Abril, Kilian Henríquez, Gabriel Gómez, Sergio Fernandez, Enrique Pérez, David Jones, Ariel Goobar, Jens Hjorth, M. Ángeles Perez García, Rubén Sanquirce-Garcia, Borja Vega, Gaizka Murga, Guillermo Glez-de-Rivera, Ernesto Sánchez-Blanco, and Ryan Cooke "The construction of the MAAT IFU for the GTC OSIRIS spectrograph", Proc. SPIE 13096, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 130967D (19 July 2024);
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Spectral resolution




Optical benches

Volume holography

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