Presentation + Paper
27 August 2024 CAL2: project update of the NRC Canada facility-class focal plane wavefront sensor for the Gemini Planet Imager 2 upgrade
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The imaging search for exoplanets is mainly limited by quasi-static speckle noise that have lifetimes between milliseconds and hours. Attempts to remove this noise using post-processing by building a point spread function (PSF) model from diversity in time, wavelength, and so-forth are limited to a small improvement due to the evolution of the noise along these same axes. The Calibration 2 (CAL2) system, being built by an international team, is a National Research Council of Canada (NRC) funded facility-class focal plane wavefront sensor for the Gemini Planet Imager 2 (GPI2) upgrade. The project consists of a complete rebuild of the GPI calibration (CAL) system. Based on the self-coherent camera concept and the FAST focal plane mask, a fraction of the near-infrared (NIR) science bandpass is extracted using a new dichroic wheel to perform focal plane wavefront sensing, with the goal to do science while also improving the contrast for the GPI2 IFS, up to a factor of 100x on bright stars. The project is at the final design review stage, and construction is expected to start summer/fall 2024, with assembly late fall 2024, and shipping to the Gemini North observatory middle of 2025.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Christian Marois, Olivier Lardière, Joeleff Fitzsimmons, Mathieu Demers, Adam B. Johnson, Saugata Dutt, Patrick Nkwari, Benjamin Gerard, Jennifer Dunn, Duan Li, Qiang Fu, Denis Brousseau, Suresh Sivanandam, William Thompson, Christopher Mann, Garima Singh, Marc-André Boucher, Tim Hardy, Krzysztof Caputa, Simon Thibault, Dmitry Savransky, Wolfgang Heidrich, Maaike van Kooten, Jean-Pierre Véran, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Darryl Gamroth, Colin Bradley, Sanjana Rawat, Öykü S. Galvan, Glen Herriot, and Jean-Thomas Landry "CAL2: project update of the NRC Canada facility-class focal plane wavefront sensor for the Gemini Planet Imager 2 upgrade", Proc. SPIE 13097, Adaptive Optics Systems IX, 1309708 (27 August 2024);
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Gemini Planet Imager


Wavefront sensors


Adaptive optics



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