Presentation + Paper
16 August 2024 The W-band LEKID array of the MISTRAL instrument
Alessandro Paiella, Federico Cacciotti, Giovanni Isopi, Eleonora Barbavara, Elia Stefano Battistelli, Paolo de Bernardis, Valentina Capalbo, Aurora Carbone, Ettore Carretti, Daniele Ciccalotti, Fabio Columbro, Alessandro Coppolecchia, Angelo Cruciani, Giuseppe D'Alessandro, Marco De Petris, Federica Govoni, Luca Lamagna, Pasqualino Marongiu, Adina Mascia, Silvia Masi, Emilio Molinari, Matteo Murgia, Alessandro Navarrini, Alessandro Novelli, Andrea Occhiuzzi, Andrea Orlati, Giorgio Pettinari, Francesco Piacentini, Tonino Pisanu, Sergio Poppi, Ignazio Porceddu, Alessia Ritacco, Maria Renata Schirru, Gian Paolo Vargiu
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The MISTRAL instrument is a cryogenic, W-band camera consisting of 415 lumped element kinetic inductance detectors. In a significant milestone achieved in May 2023, MISTRAL was successfully installed at the Gregorian focus of the Sardinia Radio Telescope, a 64m aperture telescope in Italy. MISTRAL has a focal plane of ~ 94mm in diameter, resulting in an instantaneous field of view ~ 4 arcmin. To preserve the high angular resolution of the telescope, which is ~ 12 arcsec, the focal plane sampling has been tuned to 4.2 mm, corresponding to a pixel separation of ~ 10.6 arcsec. The remarkable combination of high angular resolution and wide instantaneous field of view makes MISTRAL an exceptionally versatile tool for continuum surveys of wide areas of the sky. Its unique capabilities significantly enhance the observational capacity of the Sardinia Radio Telescope. The lumped element kinetic inductance detectors of MISTRAL are obtained from a titanium-aluminum bilayer 10 + 30nm thick on a single 100 mm–diameter Silicon wafer with thickness 235 μm. They exhibit a critical temperature of 945mK and are optimized to operate within the temperature range of 200 to 240 mK. The feedline is made of an aluminum 21nm thick and has a critical temperature of 1.35 K. We discuss the design, electrical, and optical characterization of the detector array, placing specific emphasis on the yield, the pixel identification on the array, the optical performance, and the calibration procedures.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alessandro Paiella, Federico Cacciotti, Giovanni Isopi, Eleonora Barbavara, Elia Stefano Battistelli, Paolo de Bernardis, Valentina Capalbo, Aurora Carbone, Ettore Carretti, Daniele Ciccalotti, Fabio Columbro, Alessandro Coppolecchia, Angelo Cruciani, Giuseppe D'Alessandro, Marco De Petris, Federica Govoni, Luca Lamagna, Pasqualino Marongiu, Adina Mascia, Silvia Masi, Emilio Molinari, Matteo Murgia, Alessandro Navarrini, Alessandro Novelli, Andrea Occhiuzzi, Andrea Orlati, Giorgio Pettinari, Francesco Piacentini, Tonino Pisanu, Sergio Poppi, Ignazio Porceddu, Alessia Ritacco, Maria Renata Schirru, and Gian Paolo Vargiu "The W-band LEKID array of the MISTRAL instrument", Proc. SPIE 13102, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XII, 131020C (16 August 2024);
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Critical temperature

Detector arrays

Radio telescopes

Spatial resolution

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