Event-based vision sensor (EVS) technology has expanded the CMOS image sensor design space of low-SWaP sensors with high-dynamic range operation and ability, under certain conditions, to efficiently capture scene information at a temporal resolution beyond that achievable by a typical sensor operating near a 1 kHz frame rate. Fundamental differences between EVS and framing sensors necessitate development of new characterization techniques and sensor models to evaluate hardware performance and the camera architecture trade-space. Laboratory characterization techniques reported previously include noise level as a function of static scene light level (background activity), contrast responses referred to as S-curves, refractory period characterization using the mean minimum interspike interval, and a novel approach to pixel bandwidth measurement using a static scene. Here we present pre-launch characterization results for the two Falcon ODIN (Optical Defense and Intelligence through Neuromorphics) event-based cameras (EBCs) scheduled for launch to the International Space Station (ISS). Falcon ODIN is a follow-on experiment to Falcon Neuro previously installed and operated onboard the ISS. Our characterization of the two ODIN EBCs includes high-dynamic range background activity, contrast response S-curves, and low-light cutoff measurements. Separately, we report evaluation of the IMX636 sensor functionality get_illumination which gives an auxiliary measurement of on-chip illuminance (irradiance) and can provide high dynamic range sensing of sky brightness (background light level).