Poster + Paper
4 October 2024 Advances in magnetic smart materials for synchrotron x-ray optics: a progress report on annealing and ultra-thin glass substrates
Melville P. Ulmer, Connor J. Capoot, Lahsen Assoufid, Daniel Quispe, Donald B. Buchholz, Yip-Wah Chung, Jian Cao
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Conference Poster
Magnetic smart materials (MSMs) offer an alternative to the typical piezo-electric actuators currently used to control X-ray optics on beamlines. MSMs, combined with an overcoating of a magnetic hard material, create a deformable mirror that can operate in a power-off mode. The non-reflective side of the mirror is coated with an MSM and the magnetic hard overcoat. The process works by using an electromagnet (EM) to impose a magnetic field in the bilayer of the MSM and the magnetic hard overcoat, causing the mirror to deflect. Once the EM is turned off, the mirror settles into a new shape within minutes, which can remain intact for days. Since the EM is not fixed to the mirror, the exact placement of the magnetic field can be adjusted by relocating the EM. This feature allows for fine-scale adjustments and avoids the “dead pixel” replacement problem common with piezo patches attached to the mirror. Here, we provide a progress report based on laboratory-produced data.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Melville P. Ulmer, Connor J. Capoot, Lahsen Assoufid, Daniel Quispe, Donald B. Buchholz, Yip-Wah Chung, and Jian Cao "Advances in magnetic smart materials for synchrotron x-ray optics: a progress report on annealing and ultra-thin glass substrates", Proc. SPIE 13150, Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components XIX, 131500D (4 October 2024);
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Deformable mirrors


Magnetostrictive materials


Coating stress


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