16 August 2024 Derivation and preliminary analysis of fluctuation velocity equation based on turbulent kinetic energy spectrum
Tianfu Yang, Wenhui Yan, Junwei Zhou, Wenhao Guo
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Proceedings Volume 13218, First Aerospace Frontiers Conference (AFC 2024); 132181K (2024)
Event: First Aerospace Frontiers Conference (AFC 2024), 2024, Xi’an, China
Based on the fluid momentum equation and its Reynolds-averaged form, the fluctuation velocity equation is derived. By assuming the incompressibility of fluctuation velocity and applying the Bernoulli equation to handle the viscosity term and pressure fluctuation term in the fluctuation velocity equation. Then drawing on the partial averaging approach of the GAO-YONG turbulence model for fluctuation velocity, the relationship between the derivative of fluctuation velocity and the derivative of partial average fluctuation velocity is established through the introduction of turbulence kinetic energy spectrum theory, thus obtaining a new partial average fluctuation velocity model equation. Finally, this equation is integrated into a CFD program to simulate turbulent boundary layer flow over a flat plate. After adjustment and optimization, the simulated boundary layer velocity distribution agrees well with experimental data, although differences exist in the distribution of fluctuation velocity compared to experimental data, especially in the log-law region, indicating that the model equation needs further study and improvement.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tianfu Yang, Wenhui Yan, Junwei Zhou, and Wenhao Guo "Derivation and preliminary analysis of fluctuation velocity equation based on turbulent kinetic energy spectrum", Proc. SPIE 13218, First Aerospace Frontiers Conference (AFC 2024), 132181K (16 August 2024);
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