18 September 2024 High potential of nanoimprint lithography for LiDAR application
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Proceedings Volume 13273, 39th European Mask and Lithography Conference (EMLC 2024); 1327313 (2024)
Event: 39th European Mask and Lithography Conference (EMLC 2024), 2024, Grenoble, France

In the European TINKER project, which pushes the development of LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) technology, NIL has been explored with the aim of improving manufacturing of the optical structures. More specifically, the main idea is to use NIL to manufacture the waveguide structures of the PIC chips for LiDAR. With this objective, the four partners closely involved in NIL: CEA-Leti, PROFACTOR, EV Group and Inkron, pooled their expertise and demonstrate the high potential of this technique.

This study led to the development of a new imprintable material with a high refractive index. Moreover, specific designs linked to the application and investigating the NIL physicals phenomenon were manufactured. The combination of both, material and design allowed to prove the capability to manufacture waveguide with NIL using the specified index material. The study was completed with optical functional tests. Furthermore, global manufacturing approach was studied and demonstrating the sustainability of NIL manufacturing and its ability to reduce manufacturing time and cost.

(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jerome Reche, Michael Haslinger, Martin Eibelhuber, Mikko Poutanen, and Kazuki Origuchi "High potential of nanoimprint lithography for LiDAR application", Proc. SPIE 13273, 39th European Mask and Lithography Conference (EMLC 2024), 1327313 (18 September 2024);
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Nanoimprint lithography




Additive manufacturing

Optics manufacturing

Semiconducting wafers

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