3 January 2025 Method for extracting suspected bird nest areas on transmission lines using integrated depth and color information
Guowen Chen, Jingsong He, Li Gu, Wenli Huang
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Proceedings Volume 13442, Fifth International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science (SPCS 2024); 1344209 (2025)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science (SPCS 2024), 2024, Kaifeng, China
Bird nesting activities on high-voltage transmission facilities may cause transmission accidents, and power grid companies conduct regular inspections of transmission lines to remove bird nests. Due to the complex environment of transmission facilities, it is difficult to determine whether a bird’s nest is located on transmission towers and poles by merely detecting the bird’s nest with color information. A method for extracting suspected areas of bird nests on transmission lines based on the combination of depth information and color information is proposed. First, the disparity map is computed through SGBM stereo matching algorithm, and then the foreground mask is obtained by disparity threshold segmentation, and the foreground mask is processed morphologically. Next, the thresholds for each component are set based on the histogram of the average distribution of each component of the HSV color space of the bird's nest dataset. The bird’s nest suspected region is extracted in the foreground based on the color features using the minimum outer rectangle and filtered to obtain the final bird’s nest suspected region. The experiment proves that the extraction of the bird’s nest suspected region in the foreground by combining the depth information and the color information is effective in the complex background.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Guowen Chen, Jingsong He, Li Gu, and Wenli Huang "Method for extracting suspected bird nest areas on transmission lines using integrated depth and color information", Proc. SPIE 13442, Fifth International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science (SPCS 2024), 1344209 (3 January 2025);
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Data transmission


Image segmentation


RGB color model


Tunable filters


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