3 January 2025 MLS's output frequency calibration method study
Shan Jin, Shixiang Sun, Jiabao Wang
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Proceedings Volume 13442, Fifth International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science (SPCS 2024); 134421H (2025)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science (SPCS 2024), 2024, Kaifeng, China
The microwave landing system plays the key role in the process of aircraft landing while providing high-precision ranging and other information to ensure safe landing of the aircraft. This article presents a detailed design to the output frequency of a metrology calibration system for Microwave Landing Simulator (MLS). Due to the complexity of MLS’s functions and the output of weak time-division multiplexing multiplexed modulation signals, there are many difficulties that should be solved in its calibration process. In order to meet technical requirements and provide reliable support, this article establishes a dedicated metrology calibration scheme and designs the the calibration software for the output frequency of MLS. The front panel and rear panel of the calibration software is designed with LabVIEW. Finally, experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the the proposed calibration software for MLS.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shan Jin, Shixiang Sun, and Jiabao Wang "MLS's output frequency calibration method study", Proc. SPIE 13442, Fifth International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science (SPCS 2024), 134421H (3 January 2025);
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Microwave radiation

Spectrum analysis

Computing systems


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