26 March 1993 Printability of particles on 5× reticles
Robert W. Murphy, David S. Flesberg, Terrence W.O. Reilly, James A. Reynolds
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Significant effort is expended at photomask facilities to achieve particle-free reticles prior to pelliclization. The smaller the specified particle size, the more difficult this task becomes. Laser scanning equipment is now available which can locate particles in the pellicle cavity down to a specified 0.5 micrometers . Some optical techniques are more sensitive but less repeatable. Pixel scanning systems can find even smaller particles. In this study two test reticles, one with programmed defects in relatively large geometries and one with programmed defects in highly periodic structures were contaminated with poly styrene latex (PSL) spheres in sizes from 0.5 micrometers to 4 micrometers . The reticles were characterized and printed onto wafers to determine the printability of the spheres compared to programmed chrome defects with the same size and situation. The smallest PSL sphere which printed was 0.7 micrometers and it occurred in periodic structures of 0.8 micrometers .
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert W. Murphy, David S. Flesberg, Terrence W.O. Reilly, and James A. Reynolds "Printability of particles on 5× reticles", Proc. SPIE 1809, 12th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management, (26 March 1993);
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Optical spheres



Optical fiber cables

Nano opto mechanical systems

Semiconducting wafers



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