The aim of the present work was developing of a simple in use laser modulation set-up of the high fidelity and fully controlled by the personal computer. That allows to broad the area of application of the gas and solid state lasers in such fields as medicine, therapy, biology, environment control etc. where the staff without the deeper knowledge in non-linear optics can successfully solved the problems of their own speciality. To build up the electrooptic element of the modulator such advanced material as transparent PLZT ceramics was chosen. Advantages of this ceramics as compared with mainly used for the same purposes electrooptic single crystals - as extremely high values of the electrooptic coefficients, the broad range of transparency, a high resistance to optical damage and the relative cheapness of its producing allow to use PLZT ceramics in a variety of electrooptic devices 1. In the last years cheap portable PLZT modulators - small in size, with minimum of optical length (1-2 mm), simple in adjusting and use were offered for didactic purposes to demonstrate in schools and universities the electrooptic effect and the use of this effect for information transmitting via laser beam 2,3.