13 September 1994 Development of a high-resolution, wide-angle cloud detection system
Kate A. Lidiard, Nicholas R. Waltham, Peter F. Gray
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This paper concerns the development of instrumentation to detect the presence of small clouds < 1 km square. This cloud imager will be part of the Pakistani BADR-B micro-satellite, currently planned for launch with ERS-2. The project will take advantage of the opportunity of a low-cost, short time scale launch on BADR-B, to produce early data demonstrating the technology available for `small cloud' detection. This technology will be of particular interest to future Earth Observing satellite instruments involved in the measurement of Sea Surface Temperature. The cloud imager will consist of a CCD camera operating at visible wavelengths, aiming to achieve 250 X 250 m resolution on the ground, and with a wide field of view of +/- 8.5 (equivalent to approximately 200 X 150 km on the ground). The challenge in the design and build of this instrument was the need to maintain the performance with the restrictions on available mass, power, space and schedule (12 months to delivery). This paper will describe the design and testing of the instrument, with particular emphasis on the lens system and CCD detector; it will also include some discussion of the scientific objectives.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kate A. Lidiard, Nicholas R. Waltham, and Peter F. Gray "Development of a high-resolution, wide-angle cloud detection system", Proc. SPIE 2209, Space Optics 1994: Earth Observation and Astronomy, (13 September 1994);
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