30 September 1994 Atmospheric airglow imaging with CCDs
Gary R. Swenson, Stephen B. Mende
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Airglow imaging instrumentation has been developed to provide quality imagery of airglow in the visible and near IR wavelengths. The lower thermosphere airglow layers emit between 85 and 102 km altitude. The layers are structured with nonuniformity in the horizontal dimension as a result of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) passing through the layer and disturbing the nominal recombination processes producing intensity and temperature modulations. Imagers have been developed to measure the AGW-produced airglow nonuniformities. The instrumentation combines large format, low noise CCDs with large aperture optics for improved S/N images. In particular, the large dynamic range of the detectors provides information from the low intensity zenith sky and the bright, van Rhijn enhanced horizon simultaneously in all-sky fields. The imagers have been used effectively to identify AGW structure from a number of ground based facilities as well as a recent NSF sponsored aircraft campaign. Imagery from the OH Meinel bands and OI 5577 angstrom are presented. Discussions are also presented regarding Na 5896 angstrom, and O2 atmospheric (0,1) band at 8650 angstrom emissions.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gary R. Swenson and Stephen B. Mende "Atmospheric airglow imaging with CCDs", Proc. SPIE 2266, Optical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research, (30 September 1994); Logo
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