2 August 1995 Characterization of fine abrasive particles for optical fabrication
Paul D. Funkenbusch, Y. Y. Zhou, Toshio Takahashi, David J. Quesnel, John C. Lambropoulos
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Proceedings Volume 2576, International Conference on Optical Fabrication and Testing; (1995)
Event: International Conferences on Optical Fabrication and Testing and Applications of Optical Holography, 1995, Tokyo, Japan
Material removal during fine grinding operations is accomplished primarily by the action of individual abrasive particles on the glass surface. The mechanical properties of the abrasive are therefore important. Unfortunately it is difficult to directly measure the mechanical response of abrasives once they reach the scale of approximately 10 microns. As a result mechanical properties of fine abrasives are sometimes characterized in terms of an empirical `friability', based on the response of the abrasive to crushing by a metal ball in a vial. In this paper we report on modeling/experiments designed to more precisely quantify the mechanical properties of fine abrasives and ultimately to relate them to the conditions experienced by bound particles during grinding. Experiments have been performed on various types and sizes of diamond abrasives. The response of the particles is a strong function of the loading conditions and can be tracked by changing the testing parameters. Diamond size is also found to play a critical role, with finer diamonds less susceptible to fracture. A micromechanical model from the literature is employed estimate the forces likely to be seen during testing. We are also developing dynamic models to better predict the forces experienced during `friability' testing as a function of the testing parameters.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul D. Funkenbusch, Y. Y. Zhou, Toshio Takahashi, David J. Quesnel, and John C. Lambropoulos "Characterization of fine abrasive particles for optical fabrication", Proc. SPIE 2576, International Conference on Optical Fabrication and Testing, (2 August 1995); Logo
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Optical fabrication

Statistical analysis


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