15 April 1996 Are medical image display systems perceptually optimal? Measurements before and after perceptual linearization
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Perceptual linearization has been advocated for medical image presentation, both for the faithful reproduction of images, and for standardizing the appearance across different display devices. It is currently being proposed as the standard display function for medical image presentation by ACR/NEMA working group 11 (display function standard). At this time, studies have not been made to evaluate how close existing display systems are to being perceptually linearized. This paper presents a methodology for quantitatively calculating the perceptual linearity of a display device based on a statistical measure, the linearization uniformity measure (LUM), of standard deviation of the ratio of contrast thresholds of the display system versus the contrast thresholds of the human observer. Currently available medical image display systems are analyzed using LUM metric, and their pre-linearization and post-linearization results are compared with that of the desired human observer response curve. We also provide a better description of the achievable dynamic range of a display device, based on the three quantitative measures: the standard deviation of the contrast threshold ratios, the mean of the contrast threshold ratios, and the number of DDL steps used.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bradley M. Hemminger and Hartwig R. Blume "Are medical image display systems perceptually optimal? Measurements before and after perceptual linearization", Proc. SPIE 2707, Medical Imaging 1996: Image Display, (15 April 1996); Logo
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Medical imaging

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