9 November 1999 Smart materials: an overview
A. K. Pandey, D. K. Setua, G. N. Mathur
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Proceedings Volume 3903, Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems; (1999)
Event: Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems, 1999, New Delhi, India
Over the years significant advances have occurred in the development of materials which possess smart or intelligent functions of the material. Recent trends in research imply that technology is to mimic or emulate human beings. These materials contain their own sensors, actuators and control capabilities, responses to its environments, in a timely manner are popularly known as smart/intelligent materials. Smart structures can be defined as materials that possess at least one smart component within itself. Few examples of smart materials usage are piezo-ceramic sensor in vibration control, SMA actuators, like wise other smart materials applications are product health monitoring, cure monitoring, intelligent processing, active and passive control and so on. Existing smart materials/structures are mainly macroscopic in nature i.e., predominantly embedded or surface mounted sensors and actuators operating synergistically at molecular level for tailored applications.
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A. K. Pandey, D. K. Setua, and G. N. Mathur "Smart materials: an overview", Proc. SPIE 3903, Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems, (9 November 1999); Logo
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