9 November 1999 Three-dimensional micron and submicron structures based on fiberglass technologies
Valentin I. Beloglazov, Sergey P. Soukhoveev, Nikolay V. Suetin
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Proceedings Volume 3903, Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems; (1999)
Event: Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems, 1999, New Delhi, India
New microcomponent constructions and fabrication method have been proposed and developed. This new approach is based on fiberglass technology. The outstanding opportunities of this technology have been demonstrated and used for fabrication of submicrometer x-ray mask; synchronous micrometer containing permanent magnet; microcoil with 7 micrometer lines. Our technology gives an opportunity for fabrication of the structures with extremely high aspect ratio, spiral- like conductor and so on. Developed technology does not use expensive x-ray lithography. Possible application of developed technology for production different microcomponents for electron and x-ray optics components, MEMS and other devices have been discussed.
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Valentin I. Beloglazov, Sergey P. Soukhoveev, and Nikolay V. Suetin "Three-dimensional micron and submicron structures based on fiberglass technologies", Proc. SPIE 3903, Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems, (9 November 1999); Logo
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