19 July 2000 Critical defects in x-ray masks for 100-nm patterns
Hiroshi Watanabe, Yasuji Matsui
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In order to estimate the sensitivity required for the next generation inspection system of x-ray mask, we have studied the defect printability by using the lithographic simulator Toolset. In the previous work, based on 10nm CD error, we reported the sensitivity of defect inspection for 100-nm L and S pattern to be at most 40nm. In this paper, for 100-nm isolated space, hole and L and S patterns and below 100-nm patterns, we have investigated, especially in the use of low contrast mask, the CD errors due to various defects such as adhesion of organic materials, dimension error, and clear and opaque defects. From the present study, it has been confirmed that organic defects are scarcely printed in X-ray lithography. It is found that Mask-error Enhancement Factors (MEF) are smaller than unity in most conditions for 100-nm patterns. The use of the low MEF conditions is effective method to minimize CD errors due to dimension error for isolated space and hole patterns. For L and S patterns, the mask CD accuracy of +/- 20-nm is good enough to obtain the CD error within +/- 10-nm. The critical defect sizes, which result in 10-nm CD error, are estimated to be at most 40-nm for clear and 23-nm for opaque defects in 100-nm patterns.
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Hiroshi Watanabe and Yasuji Matsui "Critical defects in x-ray masks for 100-nm patterns", Proc. SPIE 4066, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology VII, (19 July 2000);
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X-ray lithography

Organic materials

Critical dimension metrology



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