27 December 2001 Modeling of tool shape evolution in conformal (raster) grinding
Rattaporn Thonggoom, Paul D. Funkenbusch, Sheryl M. Gracewski, Jeffrey L. Ruckman
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CNC grinding relies on accurate control of the tool shape and position relative to the workpiece. However, tool wear can significantly alter tool shape, potentially producing figure errors. This problem can be particularly important in conformal grinding applications which require the grinding of large areas to optical tolerances and/or the use of relatively small tools (e.g. to grind deep complex shapes). In this study the wear of grinding tools during raster grinding of a conformal component is modeled. The goal is to predict the errors resulting from tool wear and, ultimately, to allow the development of simplified models that can be used to reduce the effects of wear via tool path compensation. In the modeling, wear at each point on the tool is assumed to be proportional to the matching workpiece volumetric removal at that point and, thus, is dependent on the workpiece surface left by the previous raster. An iterative technique is used to predict the tool shape and workpiece surface profile as removal progresses. The effects of process parameters (e.g. raster spacing and tool tilt) are examined. The results are also used in the evaluation and development of a simplified model, which approximates the worn tool shape as a flat bevel.
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Rattaporn Thonggoom, Paul D. Funkenbusch, Sheryl M. Gracewski, and Jeffrey L. Ruckman "Modeling of tool shape evolution in conformal (raster) grinding", Proc. SPIE 4451, Optical Manufacturing and Testing IV, (27 December 2001); Logo
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