14 June 2002 Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography for quantitative topographic mapping of retinal and intraretinal architectural morphology
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Quantitative, three-dimensional mapping of retinal architectural morphology was achieved using an ultrahigh resolution ophthalmic OCT system. This OCT system utilizes a broad bandwidth titanium-sapphire laser light source generating bandwidths of up to 300 nm near 800 nm center wavelength. The system enables real-time cross-sectional imaging of the retina with ~3 micrometers axial resolution. The macula and the papillomacular axis of a normal human subject were systematically mapped using a series of linear scans. Edge detection and segmentation algorithms were developed to quantify retinal and intraretinal thicknesses. Topographic mapping of the total retinal thickness and the total ganglion cell/inner plexiform layer thickness was achieved around the macula. A topographic mapping quantifying the progressive thickening of the nerve fiber layer (NFL) nasally approaching the optic disk was also demonstrated. The ability to create three-dimensional topographic mapping of retinal architectural morphology at ~3 micrometers axial resolution will be relevant for the diagnosis of many retinal diseases. The topographic quantification of these structures can serve as a powerful tool for developing algorithms and clinical scanning protocols for the screening and staging of ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tony H. Ko, Ingmar Hartl, Wolfgang Drexler, Ravi K. Ghanta, and James G. Fujimoto "Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography for quantitative topographic mapping of retinal and intraretinal architectural morphology", Proc. SPIE 4619, Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications VI, (14 June 2002);
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Optical coherence tomography


Image resolution


Algorithm development

Optical discs


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