27 December 2002 Raster Shaped Beam Pattern Generation for 70 nm Photomask Production
Thomas H. Newman, Ira Finklestein, Huei-Mei Kao, Sriram Krishnaswami, Darryn Long, Richard L. Lozes, Henry Thomas Pearce-Percy, Allan L. Sagle, Jeffrey K. Varner, Stacey Winter, Mark A. Gesley, Frank E. Abboud
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Photomask complexity is rapidly increasing as feature sizes are scaled down and as optical proximity correction (OPC) methods become widespread. The growing data content of critical mask levels requires that pattern generator solutions be adapted to maintain productivity. Raster shaped beam (RSB) technology has been developed to enable the production of 70 nm photomasks and the development of 50 nm masks. RSB is built on and extends the capability of the 50 kV MEBES platform. The beam is shaped as it is scanned, printing the mask pattern on a calibrated flash grid. Complex OPC patterns are efficiently tiled by combining a relatively small maximum shape size with a high flash rate of 100 MHz. The maximum shape size and the current density can be adjusted to match a wide set of mask applications. Proximity effects are corrected with dose modulation using a real-time computation.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Thomas H. Newman, Ira Finklestein, Huei-Mei Kao, Sriram Krishnaswami, Darryn Long, Richard L. Lozes, Henry Thomas Pearce-Percy, Allan L. Sagle, Jeffrey K. Varner, Stacey Winter, Mark A. Gesley, and Frank E. Abboud "Raster Shaped Beam Pattern Generation for 70 nm Photomask Production", Proc. SPIE 4889, 22nd Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (27 December 2002); Logo
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Beam shaping

Optical proximity correction

Raster graphics

Electron beam lithography


Optical lithography


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