Rutherford backscattering, Auger electron spectroscopy and Cross-sectional Transmission electron microscopic techniques have been utilized to study the ion beam mixing of alternating Au-Ge film structure deposited by e-gun evaporation on GaAs. Ion beam mixing was carried out with 1 MeV Au+ and with 160, 140 and 125 keV Si+ ions at various doses. Alloying was observed between Au and Ge, and between Au-Ge and GaAs induced by ion beam mixing at room temperature. The mixing efficiency of Au+ ions is about a factor of five higher than that of Si+ ions. Depending on the mass, energy and dose of ions and thickness of Au-Ge film structure, ion beam mixing produced various amounts of damage in the interface region of GaAs. Electrical characterization of a selected ion beam mixed sample revealed the rectifying nature of the contact.