With the increasing interest in simultaneous detection of specific DNA hybridization events, the development of methods to measure multiple DNA interactions at one time is of great importance. Conventional microarrays allow thousands of DNA hybridization interactions to be measured at once, however, this method of detection is limited by high cost as well as the stability and characteristic properties of fluorescent dyes. Here, barcoded nanowires are investigated as replacements for fluorophores on glass surfaces such as those used in microarrays. Potential advantages of nanowires include ease of reflectance-based optical read-out, the large number of tags available, and ability to distinguish multiple hybridizations occurring in a single DNA spot. A method of attaching DNA to glass microscope slides was developed which includes the use of a carboxy terminated silane to derivatize glass slides for DNA attachment. Also determined here is the efficiency of using nanowires as tags in complementary DNA hybridization events. An average of ~5% nonspecific binding was reported for nanowire attachment for all samples.