25 February 2005 Real-time implementation of a multiresolution motion-compensating temporal filter on general-purpose hardware
Alexandra Groth, Kai Eck
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Proceedings Volume 5671, Real-Time Imaging IX; (2005)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2005, 2005, San Jose, California, United States
A data-driven algorithmic structure on a standard PC was developed for a block-based motion compensated temporal filtering in real time. The major time limiting factor of the algorithm was identified as the irregular memory access mainly caused by the layered multi-resolution representation of the input frames. As a result, data is transferred from main memory to cache multiple times leading to memory-dominated critical paths in execution. In order to improve the cache utilization, the computations have been rearranged to process the complete signal on the cached subset of data. The input frames are now divided into super-lines, which are subsets of data containing the relevant information to calculate one line of motion vectors and to filter the corresponding image lines. Only when a set of data is no longer used nor for motion vector analysis nor for filtering the images themselves it is replaced by data of different layers or lines. Due to these data-driven techniques the cache capacity miss rate is reduced to less than 0.8%. As a result, images are processed at a rate of more than 44 fps on a standard PC (Intel dual-processor Xeon, 1.8 GHz), as opposed to 1 fps in the standard implementation.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexandra Groth and Kai Eck "Real-time implementation of a multiresolution motion-compensating temporal filter on general-purpose hardware", Proc. SPIE 5671, Real-Time Imaging IX, (25 February 2005); Logo
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Gaussian filters

Motion estimation

Image filtering

Digital filtering

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