25 April 2005 Optical and acoustical monitoring of femtosecond laser-induced intracellular contrast agents: initial cell culture studies
Marwa J. Zohdy, Christine Tse, Jing Yong Ye, Lajos P. Balogh, Theodore B. Norris, Matthew O'Donnell
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Acoustical monitoring of laser-induced optical breakdown can be used as an important tool for diagnostics and therapeutics in living cells. Laser-induced intracellular microbubbles provide measurable contrast when detected with high-frequency ultrasound, and the bioeffects of these bubbles can be controlled to be within two distinct regimes. In the nondestructive regime, a single, transient, detectable bubble can be generated within a cell, without affecting its viability. In the destructive regime, the induced photodisruption can kill a target cell. To generate and monitor this range of effects in real time, we have developed a system integrating a femtosecond pulsed laser source with optical and acoustical microscopy. Experiments were performed on monolayers of Chinese hamster ovary cells. A Ti:Sapphire laser (793 nm wavelength, 100 fs pulse duration) was pulsed at 3.8 kHz and tightly focused to a 1 μm spot within each cell, and a high-frequency (50 MHz) ultrasonic transducer monitored the generated bubble with continuous pulse-echo recordings. The photodisruption was also observed with bright field optical microscopy, and cell viability was assessed after laser exposure using a colorimetric live/dead stain. By controlling laser pulse fluence, exposure duration, and the intracellular location of the laser focus, either nondestructive or destructive bubbles could be generated.
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Marwa J. Zohdy, Christine Tse, Jing Yong Ye, Lajos P. Balogh, Theodore B. Norris, and Matthew O'Donnell "Optical and acoustical monitoring of femtosecond laser-induced intracellular contrast agents: initial cell culture studies", Proc. SPIE 5697, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2005: The Sixth Conference on Biomedical Thermoacoustics, Optoacoustics, and Acousto-optics, (25 April 2005);
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Nondestructive evaluation

Femtosecond phenomena

Optical microscopy


Target detection

Laser optics

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