7 October 2005 Simulation of electrokinetic flow in microfluidic channels
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Electrokinetic phenomena become an increasingly efficient fluid transport mechanism in micro- and nano-fluidic fields. These phenomena have also been applied successfully in microfluidic devices to achieve particle separation, pre-concentration and mixing. Electrokinetic is the flow produced by the action of an electric field on a fluid with a net charge, where the charged ions of fluid are able to drag the whole solution through the channels in the microfluidic device from one analyzing point to the other. We will present the simulation results of electrokinetic transports of fluid in various typical micro-channel geometries such as T-channel, Y-channel, cross channel and straight channel. In practice, high-speed micro-PIV technique is used to measure transient fluidic phenomena in a microfluidic channel. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) systems provide two- or three-dimensional velocity maps in flows using whole field techniques based on imaging the light scattered by small particles in the flow illuminated by a laser light sheet. The system generally consists of an epifluorescent microscope, CW laser and a high-speed CMOS of CCD camera. The flow of a liquid, (water for example), containing fluorescent particle is then analyzed in a counter microchannel by the highly accurate PIV method. One can then compare the simulated and experimental microfluidic flow due to electroosmotic effect.
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Romena Sabur and M. Matin "Simulation of electrokinetic flow in microfluidic channels", Proc. SPIE 5907, Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing VII, 59070Z (7 October 2005); Logo
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