15 March 2007 Comparison of multi-arm VRX CT scanners through computer models
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Variable Resolution X-ray (VRX) CT scanners allow imaging of different sized anatomy at the same level of detail using the same device. This is achieved by tilting the x-ray detectors so that the projected size of the detecting elements is varied producing reconstructions of smaller fields of view with higher spatial resolution.1 The detector can be divided in two or more separate segments, called arms, which can be placed at different angles, allowing some flexibility for the scanner design. In particular, several arms can be set at different angles creating a target region of considerably higher resolution that can be used to track the evolution of a previously diagnosed condition, while keeping the patient completely inside the field of view (FOV).2 This work presents newly-developed computer models of single-slice VRX scanners that allow us to study and compare different configurations (that is, various types of detectors arranged in any number of arms arranged in different geometries) in terms of spatial and contrast resolution. In particular, we are interested in comparing the performance of various geometric configurations that would otherwise be considered equivalent (using the same equipment, imaging FOVs of the same sizes, and having a similar overall scanner size). For this, a VRX simulator was developed, along with mathematical phantoms for spatial resolution and contrast analysis. These tools were used to compare scanner configurations that can be reproduced with materials presently available in our lab.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David A. Rendon, Frank A. DiBianca, and Gary S. Keyes "Comparison of multi-arm VRX CT scanners through computer models", Proc. SPIE 6510, Medical Imaging 2007: Physics of Medical Imaging, 65103Y (15 March 2007); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Spatial resolution

Modulation transfer functions

X-ray computed tomography


Signal to noise ratio

Image resolution


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