15 February 2008 Characterization of the NADH lifetime at different cell densities in a culture
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One of the major intrinsic fluorophores, reduced nicotinamide dinucleotide (NADH) is as sensitive non-invasive indicator of the cellular energy metabolism, whereas measurement of its fluorescence lifetime has been demonstrated to derive more information from the cells, than its spectrum, providing with the information on free and enzyme-bound states dynamics of the NADH as well as its environment. This attractiveness of NADH as a non-invasive indicator served as a basis for the rapid increase in it studies, which resulted in a number of diagnostic methods for a range of pathological conditions, utilizing NADH. Given this growing importance of NADH thorough characterization of its lifetime dynamics is of high importance. We have conducted a series of NADH lifetime measurements at different cell density in the early logarithmic growth phase. The results has shown that the decrease in both short and long lifetime compounds is the earlier event cell culture growth, than the changes in NADH lifetime components preexponential factors ratio.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vladimir Ghukasyan and Fu-Jen Kao "Characterization of the NADH lifetime at different cell densities in a culture", Proc. SPIE 6860, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences VIII, 68602B (15 February 2008); Logo
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Picosecond phenomena

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